This month the Federation launched its CE Marking Awareness Campaign.  On July 1 2013 the government put in place a new set of legislation relating to the CE Marking of construction products, including natural stone.  Over the past 12 months the Federation has noticed that many architects, designers, specifiers, clients and local authorities have not been properly informed about the implications of this legal requirement.


In short, the CE Marking legislation meant that from 1 July 2013, it became a legally mandated obligation for construction products sold within Europe to have both a Declaration of Performance (DoP) and be CE Marked.  The DCLG and Trading Standards are now taking an active stance on looking for and dealing with companies that ignore the legislation, a step that the Federation welcomes.


As part of the CE Marking Awareness Campaign, the Federation has produced a range of resources to enable the architectural and design professions to have the fullest understanding of how this legislation affects them:


All of these resources are free of charge to Federation Members, architects, designers, specifiers and local authorities.


The Federation would like to encourage all industry professionals to take active steps in ensuring that they are operating in line with this government legislation.