On 17th December 2020 BS 8298, the Standard that covers the Installation of Natural Stone Cladding and Lining was updated.
It replaces the previous BS 8298 originally published in 2010. The 2010 Standard consisted of four parts. This has now been reduced to three parts, parts 2, 3 & 4 which cover hand setting, stone precast and rainscreens.
The main aim of the revision was to provide more consistency with other material design Standards with values derived from industry experience and a historical precedent of conformity and not a reliability‑based analysis. It is the long‑term goal for partial safety factors to be derived from a reliability‑based analysis in accordance with the principles of BS EN 1990:2002+A1, Annex D.
This revised and significantly updated suite of standards provides guidance for all those involved in the selection, design and installation of natural stone cladding and is a must-have British Standard.
This is a full revision of the Standard and introduces the following principal changes:
• the incorporation of the recommendations for production control testing from BS 8298‑1:2010;
• the addition of several figures to illustrate key details; and
• the structural design of the stone has been updated to follow the principles of limit state design.
To find out more about the changes and details of each part of the Standard, Stone Federation members can email technical@stonefed.org.uk.